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5171 Blackbeak Dr.
Saginaw, MI 48604


Potential members want your services to be simple and convenient. You have the power to design your onboarding experience to be as quick and easy as possible. Think frictionless! You can personalize your member experience and educate them about your credit union and the products and services you offer. By adding personalization to your onboarding materials you connect with new members using a human element. Our team of experienced designers will craft postcards, fliers and emails to best showcase your featured services and introduce new members to their membership benefits. All pieces will be custom and use your credit union's branding.

Select which products and services you wish to onboard. After you approve your created pieces, you provide the databases with the relevant member information and we will print and mail personalized postcards, flyers and letters. If you choose to, we can also send out emails to new members welcoming them to your credit union! We can then generate subgroups of your member list that clicked on a link for Auto Loans and then send them a follow-up email about Auto Loans. Our email marketing also works with Google Analytics. Paper or digital, we've got your onboarding covered!

Are you ready to get started?

Complete this form or call us at 989.799.0784 today!